When you launch your Contact Center, it's important to ensure that it empowers supervisors and administrators to improve visibility, drive staff efficiency and utilization. With tools such as quality assurance & monitoring, real-time statistics & reporting, and workforce management, staff management has never been easier.

Quality Assurance & Monitoring
The following features for supervisors are key for ensuring your contact center is running up to your company's standards. With good monitoring tools such as Call Recording and Monitoring, Whispering, Barge-In and Instant Messaging, your supervisors will be able to coach your agents to deliver the best customer service.
- Call Recording – With full automated call recording, you maintain a record of all the calls. Easy integration with your CRM enables exporting and forwarding of recorded calls to facilitate quality control, archival, and transcription.
- Call Monitoring – Monitor calls real-time, through the simply click of a mouse.
- Call Whisper – Coach staff through calls (without the customer hearing) by selecting the whisper drop-down icon in the Contivio toolbar.
- Call Barge-In – Supervisors can jump in and take over calls immediately if necessary.
- Variable Percentage Recording – Select a variable percentage of calls to record anywhere from 1-100% (E.g., 50% will record every other call, whereas 10% recording will record 1 out of 10 calls). Also ensure your Contact Center allows you to record 100% of specific agents' calls, such as new employees, to monitor their progress and help with training.
- Live Dashboards – Make sure your contact center dashboards are in real time so you can track queue, agent and team activity throughout the day.
- Call Scripting – Scribe exactly what your Agents should say and/or ask when engaged with a Customer to make sure they are prepared for any scenario.
- Audio Injection – Inject Audio into calls (Useful for playback of Terms and Conditions, repetitive voicemails, or call recording notifications).
- Co-Browsing Agents (Coming to Contivio in Q4 2017) – Agents may send URL hyperlinks to customers via web chat to ensure both parties are viewing the same page.
- Call surveys - Survey your customers automatically after your calls are completed. Contivio will record the survey results within your CRM.
Workforce Management
The Workforce Management featues below are designed to ensure your Contact Center is covered at all times.
- Multi-level Administration – Ability to have Administrators and Sub-Administrators with different privileges.
- Large Organization Department Segmentation – Breakdown of larger groups to smaller departments and teams for more granular access privileges.
- Holiday Schedules – Ability to upload your holiday schedules to ensure proper routing.
- Operating Hours – Select your daily operational hours dictating the IVR flow.
- Staff Scheduling – Create staff schedules for Agent availability and move into creating shifts.
- Shift Management – Manage your agents shifts by assigning specific tasks
- At Home Agents – Ability to support home based Agents handling customer communications and providing customer service.
- Hot-desking – Agents working in different shifts may use a single physical work-station and/or IP Phone
Real-time Reporting & Live Statistics
Finally, as a supervisor, it's important to have access to real-time reporting and charts that are easy to digest in a quick glance. Your Contact Center should also support custom reporting, raw data pulls, and the ability to schedule reports to be sent to your inbox when you need them.
- Leaderboard/Wallboard – Real time statistics by agent, queue and media type.
- Color-coded Dashboard – Ability to set your statistical thresholds that will change colors to alert a supervisor of an issue (e.g., Total calls waiting is set to five, if six or more calls are waiting in the queue the calls waiting dashboard indicator will change colors.
- Best-of-class Key Performance Indicators – Track your performance measurements to evaluate if you contact center is running up to company standards.
- Live Statistics – View Queue Statistics for metrics such as “Abandons”, “Longest Wait Time”, and “Average Time to Answer”.
- User-Friendly Custom Reporting – Ability to create on-the-fly custom reports from the best-in-class real-time KPIs.
- Scheduled Reporting – Reports may be generated automatically and scheduled to be sent to an email address or to an external reporting application (e.g., XML or CSV).
- Agent Activity Tracking – Detailed reporting will describe time-stamps of login/logouts, calls made/received, and much more.
- Email Notifications – Contivio.com will send an email alert to agents if a call is waiting in the queue.
- Agent Status – View the current status of all Agents, e.g., who is ready, busy, and/or on break.