Logging in to Your Contivio Admin Portal

Contivio's Admin Portal is incredibly easy to manage, whereby you can swiftly add and remove users, run historical reports, establish your hours of operation, set up routing logic, and build IVR flows.

Maximize your team's potential by tailoring Contivo's Admin Portal settings to your exact needs.

This article will detail how to log in to your Contivio Admin Portal Account and reset your password.


Logging In

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  1. From your Contivio Admin Portal login page enter your 'Username' and 'Password'.
    • We recommend you click 'Keep me signed in', this will keep you signed in for 24 hours. 
  2. Click 'Sign In'.

Resetting Your Password

Note: These instructions apply to Admin Portal Administrators only. To reset a password for a user account, please email support@contivio.com.

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  1. Select 'Forgot Password'.

  2. Enter your username/email then click 'Reset Password'.
  3. You will receive an email with instructions on how to update your password. You're all set!

Tip: The Contivio Admin Portal can be accessed via the web browser of your choice.


Next: Logging out of Your Contivio Admin Portal