
Route your email through Contivio to ensure it's forwarded to the most appropriate person

Screenshot 2022-11-03 at 12.57.42 PMSend an email

  1. Click the ‘Messages’ icon from Side BarScreenshot 2022-11-01 at 4.05.21 PM
  2. Click ‘Email’ from the Messages ribbon.
  3. Click the ‘Compose Email’. A separate window will pop up, allowing you to compose your email.
  4. Type your email and click the ‘Send’ button.









Reply to an email


  1. Click the ‘Accept’ button on the Media Notification pop-up window OR click the green ‘Dial/Answer’ icon from the Phone Controls.
  2. Once the email is accepted, it gets sent to your inbox as configured by your Administrator so you can reply.

Decline an email

To reject or decline to respond to an email:

  • Click the ‘Decline’ button on the Media Notification pop-up window.

Note: Declined emails will be routed back through the Queue to the next available user, subject to the Queue routing rules.


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