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Softphone Updates Version 10.0.8

New Threads View

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  • We've implemented a new threading model featuring a dropdown menu for the SMS/MMS tab in Messages. This menu, the threads view, convientely displays any open or searched for SMS thread.
  • Easily search SMS threads directly from the Recents section by clicking on the message icon to add them to the threads view as a historical thread.

Historical Threads

  • Access historical threads conveniently displayed in the message bubble as separate threads. A different icon denotes historical threads, distinguishing them from active threads.

SMS Auto Answer

  • An optional setting in Call Handling settings, SMS Auto Answer will 'ring' briefly before dropping in the new message in the thread

New SMS Message Alerts

  • In the threads view, a yellow star indicates a new message in the SMS thread.
  • In the mobile app, a yellow ring in the message bubble (top bar of app) now indicates unread/new messages in threads not currently viewed. This allows uninterrupted work while staying alerted to new messages, replacing the previous full-screen alert.

Smart SearchScreenshot 2024-05-07 144544

  • Enjoy enhanced search functionality by name or number, pulling records from all channels. Interact via any enabled channel from any of the returned records.

CRM Name Retention

  • New CRM name retention allows for search by any name that has been previously identified by a CRM Lookup.
    *If name retention is not currently enabled, please contact support.

SMS Draft Cache

  • The app now retains one draft of a message. This means that if you're in the middle of composing a text and are interrupted by a call or other tasks, you can pick up right where you left off without losing your progress.

Queue SMS

  • SMS threads from a queue now display tags under messages, showing the number, queue, and agent name. This feature facilitates efficient handling by multiple agents, providing details of who is responding or sending messages.

Receive SMS/MMS When on a Call

  • Agents engaged in a phone conversation with a customer now have the option to accept incoming SMS or MMS messages. This functionality applies to both queue-based and one-to-one SMS interactions. While actively assisting a customer over the phone, agents can seamlessly handle incoming SMS messages from the same customer without interruption.

Unified Phone Number Handling and Message Consolidation

  • Our latest updates ensure consistent handling of phone numbers, irrespective of their format (i.e. +1 prefix), eliminating potential communication hurdles. SMS messages are now merged into single files based on phone number formats, simplifying message management and improving clarity.